Can I Use ESP8266-Node MCU as a Media Player with AUX?
Image by Braden -

Can I Use ESP8266-Node MCU as a Media Player with AUX?

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The Quest for a Custom Media Player

Are you tired of using bulky media players that occupy too much space? Do you want to create a custom media player that fits your needs and preferences? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the possibility of using an ESP8266-Node MCU as a media player with AUX output. Yes, you read that right – we’re talking about a tiny microcontroller that can play your favorite tunes and connect to an AUX input.

What is ESP8266-Node MCU?

Before we dive into the project, let’s talk about the star of the show – the ESP8266-Node MCU. This tiny microcontroller is a powerful and popular choice among DIY enthusiasts and makers. It’s a system-on-chip (SoC) that integrates a 32-bit microprocessor, Wi-Fi, and a range of peripherals. The Node MCU is a development board that’s based on the ESP8266 chip, making it easy to program and prototype projects.

Key Features of ESP8266-Node MCU

  • Microprocessor: 32-bit LX6
  • Wi-Fi: 2.4 GHz, 802.11 b/g/n
  • Flash Memory: 4MB
  • SRAM: 96KB
  • Power Consumption: 70mA (average)
  • Peripherals: GPIO, I2C, I2S, UART, SPI, ADC, DAC

The AUX Output Challenge

One of the biggest challenges when using an ESP8266-Node MCU as a media player is generating a high-quality audio signal. The Node MCU has a limited audio output capability, which makes it difficult to connect it directly to an AUX input. However, don’t worry – we’ve got a solution for that!

I2S Audio Output

The ESP8266-Node MCU has an I2S (Inter-IC Sound) interface, which is a digital audio output protocol. We can use this interface to send audio data to an external audio codec, which will then convert the digital signal to an analog audio signal. This signal can then be connected to an AUX input.


There are several audio codec options available that can be used with the ESP8266-Node MCU. Some popular choices include:

  • UDA1334A: A highly-integrated audio codec with I2S interface
  • PCM5102A: A high-quality audio DAC with I2S interface
  • ES8388: A low-power audio codec with I2S interface

The Project: Building an ESP8266-Node MCU Media Player with AUX

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the project. We’ll use the ESP8266-Node MCU, an audio codec (UDA1334A), and a few other components to build a custom media player with AUX output.

Hardware Requirements

  • ESP8266-Node MCU
  • UDA1334A audio codec
  • MicroSD card
  • 3.3V power supply
  • Breadboard and jumper wires
  • AUX cable

Software Requirements

  • Arduino IDE (for programming the Node MCU)
  • ESP8266Audio library (for audio playback)
  • MicroSD card reader software (for loading audio files)

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Connect the Node MCU to the breadboard and power it using a 3.3V power supply.
  2. Connect the UDA1334A audio codec to the Node MCU, making sure to match the I2S pins.
  3. Connect the microSD card to the Node MCU, using the built-in SD card reader.
  4. Load the audio files onto the microSD card using a card reader and your computer.
  5. Open the Arduino IDE and install the ESP8266Audio library.
  6. Write a simple audio playback sketch using the ESP8266Audio library.
  7. Upload the sketch to the Node MCU and test the audio playback using an AUX cable.

Example Code


// Audio codec pins
#define I2S_BCLK 14
#define I2S_LRC  15
#define I2S_DOUT 16

// Audio file
const char *audioFile = "/audio/track1.mp3";

void setup() {
  // Initialize audio codec
  audioCodec.begin(I2S_BCLK, I2S_LRC, I2S_DOUT);

  // Initialize microSD card

  // Play audio file;

void loop() {
  // Nothing to do here!

Troubleshooting and Optimizations

While building this project, you might encounter some issues or limitations. Here are some troubleshooting tips and optimization suggestions:

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Audio quality issues: Check the audio codec settings and adjust the I2S clock frequency.
  • No audio output: Verify the audio file format and codec compatibility.
  • Node MCU reset: Check the power supply and ensure stable voltage.

Optimization Suggestions

  • Use a dedicated audio amplifier for better sound quality.
  • Implement a user interface using buttons and an LCD display.
  • Add Wi-Fi connectivity for streaming audio from the internet.


In conclusion, using an ESP8266-Node MCU as a media player with AUX output is definitely possible. With the right audio codec and some creative troubleshooting, you can create a custom media player that fits your needs and preferences. Remember to optimize your project for better performance and consider adding features like Wi-Fi connectivity and a user interface.

So, what are you waiting for? Get creative, and start building your custom media player today!

Component Quantity Cost (Approx.)
ESP8266-Node MCU 1 $10-$15
UDA1334A audio codec 1 $5-$10
MicroSD card 1 $5-$10
Breadboard and jumper wires 1 $5-$10
AUX cable 1 $5-$10

Total cost: $30-$60 (approx.)

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the media player within your ESP8266-NodeMCU and experience the thrill of connecting it to an AUX output!

Can I really use ESP8266-NodeMCU as a media player with AUX?

Absolutely! The ESP8266-NodeMCU is a microcontroller capable of running various media player platforms, and with some clever coding, you can connect it to an AUX output and play your favorite tunes.

What kind of audio quality can I expect from the ESP8266-NodeMCU?

The audio quality will largely depend on the quality of the audio files you’re playing, as well as the AUX output you’re using. However, the ESP8266-NodeMCU can handle 44.1 kHz, 16-bit stereo audio, which is comparable to CD quality.

How do I connect the ESP8266-NodeMCU to an AUX output?

You’ll need a few additional components, such as an I2S audio codec, a audio amplifier, and an AUX cable. You can also use a dedicated audio module like the UDA1334A or the MAX98357A. Once you have the necessary components, you can connect them to the ESP8266-NodeMCU’s GPIO pins and start streaming audio.

Can I control the media player using a mobile app or web interface?

Yes, you can! The ESP8266-NodeMCU has Wi-Fi capabilities, which means you can create a mobile app or web interface to control the media player remotely. You can use platforms like Blynk, Node-RED, or even create your own custom interface using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Is it possible to add more features to my ESP8266-NodeMCU media player?

The ESP8266-NodeMCU is a highly customizable platform, and you can add a wide range of features, such as voice control using Alexa or Google Assistant, multi-room audio, or even integrate it with smart home systems. The possibilities are endless, and it’s up to your imagination and coding skills!