Can’t See My RecyclerView Item Except After Screen Rotation? Let’s Get to the Bottom of This!
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Can’t See My RecyclerView Item Except After Screen Rotation? Let’s Get to the Bottom of This!

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Are you frustrated because your RecyclerView items are nowhere to be found, only to magically reappear after a screen rotation? You’re not alone! This pesky issue has been plaguing Android developers for ages, and it’s time to put an end to it. In this article, we’ll dive into the possible causes, troubleshooting steps, and solutions to get your RecyclerView items visible and staying that way.

The Mystery Begins: Understanding RecyclerView

Before we dive into the problem, let’s quickly review how RecyclerView works. RecyclerView is a powerful and flexible Android widget that allows you to efficiently display large datasets. It’s a popular choice for displaying lists, grids, and other types of item-based layouts.

Here’s a high-level overview of the RecyclerView workflow:

  1. RecyclerView is initialized and laid out within its parent view.
  2. The adapter is set, which provides the data and layout for each item.
  3. The RecyclerView requests the adapter to provide the number of items and the item views.
  4. The adapter inflates the item views and binds the data to them.
  5. The RecyclerView lays out the item views and displays them to the user.

The Usual Suspects: Common Causes of the Issue

Now that we have a basic understanding of RecyclerView, let’s explore the common culprits behind the “can’t see my RecyclerView item” problem:

  • Adapter not properly set or notified: Make sure you’ve set the adapter correctly and notified it about data changes.
  • Layout issues: Inspect your layout files and ensure that the RecyclerView has a valid layout and is not hidden or obstructed.
  • Data not loading or incorrect: Verify that your data is loading correctly and is not empty or null.
  • ViewItem not correctly inflated or bound: Check your ViewHolder and item layout to ensure they’re correctly inflated and data is bound.
  • Recycled views not handled correctly: Ensure you’re handling recycled views correctly, especially when dealing with complex item views.

Investigation Time: Troubleshooting Steps

Now that we’ve identified the common causes, let’s go through a series of troubleshooting steps to help you identify and fix the issue:

Step 1: Verify Adapter and Data

Check your adapter implementation and ensure:

  • adapter is correctly set to the RecyclerView
  • adapter notifies the RecyclerView about data changes using notifyDataSetChanged() or notifyItemChanged()
  • adapter provides the correct number of items using getItemCount()
public class MyAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<MyViewHolder> {
  private List<MyItem> items;
  public MyAdapter(List<MyItem> items) {
    this.items = items;
  public int getItemCount() {
    return items.size();
  public void onBindViewHolder(MyViewHolder holder, int position) {
    // bind data to the view holder
  public void updateItems(List<MyItem> newItems) {
    items = newItems;
    notifyDataSetChanged(); // notify the RecyclerView about data changes

Step 2: Inspect Layout and Views

Verify your layout files and ensure:

  • RecyclerView has a valid layout and is not hidden or obstructed
  • item views are correctly inflated and laid out
  • views are not overlapping or z-indexed incorrectly

Step 3: Debug Data and ViewHolder

Use the Android Debugger or logging to:

  • verify data is loading correctly and is not empty or null
  • inspect the ViewHolder and item views to ensure they’re correctly inflated and bound
public class MyViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
  public TextView textView;
  public MyViewHolder(View itemView) {
    textView = itemView.findViewById(;

Solution Time: Fixing the Issue

Now that we’ve identified the problem, let’s implement the solutions:

Solution 1: Adapter and Data Fix

Ensure your adapter is correctly set and notified:

myAdapter.updateItems(newItems); // notify the adapter about data changes

Solution 2: Layout and View Fix

Verify your layout files and ensure the RecyclerView has a valid layout:


Solution 3: ViewHolder and Data Binding Fix

Verify your ViewHolder and item views are correctly inflated and bound:

public class MyViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
  public TextView textView;
  public MyViewHolder(View itemView) {
    textView = itemView.findViewById(;
  public void bindData(MyItem item) {

Common Causes Troubleshooting Steps Solutions
Adapter not properly set or notified Verify adapter implementation and data loading Correctly set adapter and notify about data changes
Layout issues Inspect layout files and views Verify RecyclerView has a valid layout and is not hidden
Data not loading or incorrect Verify data loading and debugging Ensure data is loading correctly and is not empty or null
ViewItem not correctly inflated or bound Debug ViewHolder and item views Verify ViewHolder and item views are correctly inflated and bound

Conclusion: The Mystery Solved!

By following these troubleshooting steps and solutions, you should now be able to identify and fix the “can’t see my RecyclerView item except after screen rotation” issue. Remember to methodically investigate each potential cause, and don’t be afraid to dive deeper into the Android Debugger or logging to uncover the root of the problem.

With these tools and knowledge, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most stubborn RecyclerView issues. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of seeing your RecyclerView items disappear into thin air, only to reappear after a screen rotation? Well, you’re not alone! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot this pesky problem.

Why can’t I see my RecyclerView items initially, but they appear after a screen rotation?

This might be due to the RecyclerView not being laid out properly, especially if you’re using a GridLayout or StaggeredGrid layout. Try calling `recyclerView.invalidate()` or `recyclerView.requestLayout()` after setting the adapter to force the RecyclerView to redraw itself.

Is it possible that my adapter is not being populated correctly?

Yes, that’s a good possibility! Check that your adapter is being populated correctly by debugging the data being passed to the adapter. Make sure the data is not empty and that the adapter is being notified of any data changes.

Could the problem be related to the RecyclerView’s visibility or layout parameters?

Absolutely! Ensure that the RecyclerView’s visibility is set to `VISIBLE` and its layout parameters are correct. Also, check that the RecyclerView is not being obscured by another view or layout.

Is it possible that my item layout is causing the issue?

Yes, the item layout can definitely cause issues. Check that your item layout is correct and that the views are being laid out properly. You can try using the Android Studio layout inspector to debug the layout.

What if I’m using a custom RecyclerView layout?

If you’re using a custom RecyclerView layout, make sure it’s correctly implemented and that the layout parameters are being set correctly. You can try using the built-in layouts to see if the issue persists.

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