Unraveling the Mystery of Java Code Analysis: How to Create a Call Graph for Static Analysis
Image by Braden - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery of Java Code Analysis: How to Create a Call Graph for Static Analysis

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As a developer, you’re no stranger to the complex world of Java code analysis. With millions of lines of code to sift through, understanding the relationships between functions and control flows can be a daunting task. That’s where a call graph comes in – a visual representation of function calls and related control flows that helps you navigate the static analysis of your Java code. But, how do you create one? Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a step-by-step journey to unravel the mystery of call graph creation for Java code and Android static analysis.

What is a Call Graph, and Why Do I Need One?

A call graph is a graphical representation of the calling relationships between functions, methods, or procedures in a program. It’s a powerful tool for understanding the control flow of your code, identifying dependencies, and detecting potential issues. When it comes to Java code analysis, a call graph can help you:

  • Identify performance bottlenecks and optimize your code
  • Detect and fix errors, such as null pointer exceptions and infinite loops
  • Understand the impact of changes to your codebase
  • Analyze the structure and complexity of your code

In the context of Android app development, a call graph can also help you optimize your app’s performance, identify battery-draining issues, and improve overall user experience.

Preparing for Call Graph Creation

Before we dive into the creation process, make sure you have the following tools and prerequisites in place:

  • A Java project or Android app with source code
  • A Java IDE, such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA
  • A call graph generation tool, such as Doxygen, Graphviz, or JDeveloper
  • A basic understanding of Java programming and static analysis concepts

Step 1: Set up Your Project and IDE

Open your Java project or Android app in your preferred IDE. Make sure you have the necessary plugins and tools installed for static analysis and code visualization. For this example, we’ll be using Eclipse with the Doxygen plugin.

    // Eclipse configuration
    Eclipse -> Help -> Eclipse Marketplace -> Search for Doxygen -> Install

Step 2: Configure Doxygen for Call Graph Generation

Once Doxygen is installed, configure it to generate a call graph for your Java code:

    // Doxygen configuration
    Project -> Properties -> Doxygen -> Call Graph
    Enable call graph generation: checked
    Call graph layout: horizontal
    Call graph size: 800x600

Save your changes and navigate to the Doxygen settings. You’ll see a range of options for customizing your call graph. Experiment with different layouts, sizes, and styles to find the one that suits your needs.

Step 3: Run Doxygen and Generate the Call Graph

Run Doxygen on your Java project or Android app to generate the call graph. This may take a few minutes, depending on the size of your codebase.

    // Run Doxygen
    Project -> Doxygen -> Generate Documentation

Step 4: Visualize and Analyze the Call Graph

Once the call graph is generated, open the HTML file in your preferred browser. You’ll see a detailed visualization of the function calls and control flows in your Java code.

Function Called By Calls
main None CalculateArea, PrintResult
CalculateArea main GetRadius, GetPi
GetRadius CalculateArea None
GetPi CalculateArea None
PrintResult main None

From this call graph, we can see that the `main` function calls both `CalculateArea` and `PrintResult`. The `CalculateArea` function, in turn, calls `GetRadius` and `GetPi`. This visualization provides a clear understanding of the control flow and dependencies within our Java code.

Advanced Call Graph Customization

Doxygen offers a range of customization options for refining your call graph. Some advanced customization techniques include:

  • Excluding certain functions or classes from the call graph
  • Customizing the call graph layout and style
  • Adding annotations and comments to the call graph
  • Integrating with other static analysis tools for comprehensive code analysis

Experiment with these advanced customization techniques to tailor your call graph to your specific needs and use cases.


In conclusion, creating a call graph for static analysis of Java code and Android apps is a powerful tool for understanding the complex relationships between functions and control flows. By following these steps and customizing your call graph to your needs, you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your code, detecting errors, and improving overall performance.

Remember, the key to effective call graph creation lies in understanding your codebase, configuring your tools correctly, and visualizing the results in a clear and concise manner. Happy coding, and may the call graph be with you!

Have any questions or need further assistance? Feel free to ask in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you struggling to create a call graph that showcases function calls and related control flows for static analysis of Java code/Android? Look no further! Here are the answers to your most pressing questions.

What is a call graph, and why do I need it?

A call graph is a visual representation of the relationships between functions or methods in a program. It shows how functions call each other, making it an essential tool for static analysis, debugging, and understanding the control flow of your Java code or Android app. By creating a call graph, you can identify performance bottlenecks, potential issues, and optimize your code for better efficiency.

What tools can I use to create a call graph for Java code or Android?

There are several tools available to create a call graph for Java code or Android. Some popular options include Eclipse Java Development Tools (JDT), Java Call Graph (JCG), CodeCity, and Soot. For Android, you can use tools like Android Lint, CodeInspect, or Dexpler. Each tool has its strengths and weaknesses, so it’s essential to choose the one that best fits your needs.

How do I create a call graph using Eclipse Java Development Tools (JDT)?

To create a call graph using Eclipse JDT, you’ll need to install the Eclipse Java Development Tools plugin. Once installed, open your Java project in Eclipse, right-click on the project, and select “Open Call Hierarchy.” This will generate a call graph showing the function calls and control flows in your Java code.

Can I create a call graph programmatically using Java?

Yes, you can create a call graph programmatically using Java. One approach is to use the Java Reflection API to analyze the bytecode of your Java classes and create a call graph. You can also use libraries like Java Assist or ASM to achieve this. Additionally, you can use Java-based graph libraries like GraphStream or JGraphT to visualize the call graph.

How can I customize my call graph to show only the most relevant information?

To customize your call graph, you can use filters, pruning, or clustering techniques to focus on the most critical function calls and control flows. For example, you can filter out library calls, ignore recursive functions, or group related functions together. You can also use graph layout algorithms to optimize the visualization of your call graph, making it easier to understand and analyze.