Preserve ScrollBar & Window position after resizing the Dialog: A Comprehensive Guide
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Preserve ScrollBar & Window position after resizing the Dialog: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustration of lost window positions and scrollbars after resizing a dialog? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of preserving scrollbars and window positions, providing you with a step-by-step guide on how to overcome this common issue.

Understanding the Problem

When a dialog is resized, the window’s position and scrollbar state are often lost, leading to a poor user experience. This issue occurs because the resizing event triggers a reinitialization of the dialog, causing the window to revert to its original state. To solve this problem, we need to find a way to preserve the scrollbar and window position after resizing.

Why Preserving ScrollBar & Window Position Matters

Preserving the scrollbar and window position is crucial for several reasons:

  • Improved user experience: By maintaining the user’s previous scroll position and window layout, you ensure a seamless interaction with your dialog.
  • Increased productivity: Users can quickly resume their work where they left off, without having to re-scroll or reposition the window.
  • Enhanced accessibility: Preserving the scrollbar and window position helps users with disabilities navigate your dialog more easily.

The Solution: A Step-by-Step Approach

To preserve the scrollbar and window position, we’ll employ a combination of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML techniques. Follow these steps to implement the solution:

Step 1: Store the ScrollTop and Left Values

Create a JavaScript function to store the current scrollTop and left values of the dialog window before resizing:

function storeWindowPositions() {
  var windowHeight = $(window).height();
  var windowWidth = $(window).width();
  var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
  var scrollLeft = $(window).scrollLeft();
  // Store the values in a JavaScript object
  windowPositions = {
    'height': windowHeight,
    'width': windowWidth,
    'scrollTop': scrollTop,
    'scrollLeft': scrollLeft

Step 2: Add a Resize Event Listener

Attach a resize event listener to the dialog window to capture the resizing event:

$(window).resize(function() {
  // Call the storeWindowPositions function on resize

Step 3: Restore the ScrollTop and Left Values

Create a JavaScript function to restore the stored scrollTop and left values after resizing:

function restoreWindowPositions() {

Step 4: Apply the Solution

Call the restoreWindowPositions function after the dialog has finished resizing:

$(window).resize(function() {
  // Call the storeWindowPositions function on resize
  // Call the restoreWindowPositions function after resizing
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 100);

Optimizations and Considerations

To further optimize the solution, consider the following:

Debouncing the Resize Event

To prevent excessive calls to the storeWindowPositions function, implement a debouncing mechanism:

var resizeTimeout;
$(window).resize(function() {
  resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
  }, 200);

Handling Multiple Dialogs

If you have multiple dialogs on the same page, use a unique identifier to store and restore the window positions for each dialog:

var windowPositions = {};
function storeWindowPositions(dialogId) {
  // ...
  windowPositions[dialogId] = {
    'height': windowHeight,
    'width': windowWidth,
    'scrollTop': scrollTop,
    'scrollLeft': scrollLeft

function restoreWindowPositions(dialogId) {
  // ...


Preserving the scrollbar and window position after resizing a dialog is a crucial aspect of providing a seamless user experience. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can ensure that your dialog windows maintain their scroll position and window layout, even after resizing. Remember to optimize your solution by debouncing the resize event and handling multiple dialogs. With these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to creating a more user-friendly and accessible interface.

Techniques Used Benefits
JavaScript event listeners Capture resize events and store window positions
JavaScript object storage Preserve window positions and restore them after resizing
Debouncing Prevent excessive function calls and improve performance
Unique identifiers for multiple dialogs Handle multiple dialogs on the same page

By implementing these techniques, you’ll be able to preserve the scrollbar and window position after resizing a dialog, providing a more enjoyable and efficient user experience.

  1. Test your implementation with different dialog sizes and scroll positions.
  2. Consider using cookies or local storage to persist the window positions across page reloads.
  3. Optimize your solution for different browsers and devices.

With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to tackle the challenge of preserving scrollbars and window positions after resizing a dialog. Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Preserve ScrollBar & Window position after resizing the Dialog” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most frequently asked questions about preserving scrollbar and window position after resizing a dialog!

Why do scrollbars and window positions reset after resizing a dialog?

This is because, by default, dialogs in many programming languages and frameworks do not store the scrollbar and window positions when resized. However, there are workarounds and techniques to preserve these positions, which we’ll explore in the following questions.

How can I preserve the scrollbar position after resizing a dialog?

One way to preserve the scrollbar position is to store the current scrollbar position in a variable before resizing the dialog, and then set the scrollbar position to the stored value after the resize is complete. This can be done using JavaScript or the programming language of your choice.

What is the best way to store the window position after resizing a dialog?

The best way to store the window position is to use a combination of the `left` and `top` properties of the dialog window, along with the `scrollLeft` and `scrollTop` properties of the scrollbar. This will ensure that the window position and scrollbar positions are accurately preserved.

Can I use this technique with any type of dialog, such as modal dialogs or pop-up windows?

Yes, this technique can be applied to any type of dialog, including modal dialogs, pop-up windows, and even desktop applications. The key is to identify the specific properties and methods used to manipulate the scrollbar and window positions in your chosen framework or language.

Are there any performance considerations when implementing this technique?

Yes, there may be performance considerations when implementing this technique, especially if you have a large number of dialogs or complex UI elements. It’s essential to optimize your code and consider techniques such as caching or debouncing to minimize the impact on performance.

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